August 19, 2012

The existence of The TUGU JOGJA (Photo-Pack)

The existence of The TUGU (Tower) JOGJA can not be separated from the existence of the city of Yogyakarta. “Tridimensi” aspect of The Royal Palace (Kraton), Tugu and Mount Merapi have a romantic philosophical meaning for the people of Yogyakarta.

Source: Jogjaicon 2011 document

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1 comment:

  1. Mengucapkan Selamat Idul Fitri 1433H ...Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin...hehehe...sekarang Jogja Icon memposting pake bahasa Inggris juga...go Internasional nich. Nggak seperti saya...pertama pake bahasa Inggris...trus campuran...trus banyak yang pake bahasa Indonesia...dan sekarang lagi demen2nya pake bahasa Jawa!!...ntar nanti lama2 saya pake bahasa isyarat...xixixi...namanya blogbing (blogger bingung!)
