May 02, 2011

DJAKA LODANG (Jogja Java-Language Magazine)

(English ver)
Djaka Lodang is a Java-language magazine published in Yogyakarta since June 1, 1971. Magazine circulation of 10,000 copies are still in demand, when the media kind of out of business. Do not be surprised if you do not see any ads roost. Djaka Lodang remain confidence with no advertisers because thousands of customers waiting for published. One of the columns, Jagading Lelembut creature, became legendary thanks to the consistency presents a ghost story that always could be ammunition in the Vilagges Patrol Outpost chatting when all other topics are discussed.

(Indonesian ver)
Djaka Lodang adalah majalah berbahasa jawa yang terbit di Yogyakarta sejak 1 Juni 1971. Majalah bertiras 10.000 eksemplar ini tetap digdaya kala media sejenis gulung tikar. Jangan kaget bila tak melihat satupun iklan bertengger. Djaka Lodang tetap 'pe-de' tanpa pengiklan karena beribu pelanggan menunggu “sang jejaka sambaing” atau terbit. Salah satu rubriknya, Jagading Lelembut, menjadi legendaris berkat konsistensi menghadirkan cerita hantu yang selalu bisa menjadi amunisi obrolan di gardu ronda saat semua topik lain sudah terbahas habis.

Source: Kapan ke Jogja lagi Blog

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